What is this place?

Started out as a slighty provocative way to inspire software developers and teams who can’t seem to find a way out of their organisations bad practices other than simply stopping to release software.

Evolved into a more broad platform that also covers my own learning journeys and industry ponderings/ramblings. Speaking from 25+ years of experience in the industry, having experienced both the best and the worst of the industry. Feel free to check me out and connect on socials mentioned below.

It’s a place outside of the current web with its walled gardens controlled by a handful of ‘social’ media giants. Those depend on addictive and other dark psychological tricks to keep their users ‘engaged’. You will find none of that in here. No ads, no analytics, no likes, no nudging towards sharing on social media platforms, just plain content in a clean and lean design for people to read and pass around to real friends, like the ‘old’ days.

In that sence it’s ironic that it’s hosted on the biggest social development platform in the world (GitHub), but it could be re-hosted in a heartbeat because it’s all static content with a tiny bit of JavaScript.

Enjoy the site and feel free to share feedback via the handful of methods at the bottom of the page!